ETV: Project Runway and Models of the Runway – Hey, That’s My Fabric

E: Well, I don’t think I like that one bit.

I love the idea of this challenge, though.  Vivienne Tam – a designer who has sold out to corporate America – has come to promote a system where they get to design their own fabrics. They can make whatever they want using their fabric, they get two days (the first to design the fabric and shop for supplemental material at Mood), and they get to do something super cool while pimping the new HP touch screen machines.  They can draw with a stylus, their fingers, or even paint brushes.  How awesome is that?  They’re all drooling over the chance.


But, ugh.

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ETV:Grey’s Anatomy – Suicide is Painless

E: Killing yourself might be painless, but letting someone else die?  Now that’s difficult.

Or so is the contention of this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy.  I’m not quite sure how the writer thinks they know that: all we truly know about death is its effect on the living. And Owen, in serious combat flashback mode, is deeply affected. We move from the light humor of the last few episodes to Owen’s back story – from visions of him playing soccer at a MASH-like desert camp (surprise, since they’ve cribbed the episode title from the MASH theme song) with Teddy and some red shirt friends, to the darkest heart of his pain.

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LOST Review: Ab Aeterno

M: So, as I mentioned last week, I was really excited for this week.  This week we finally got back story on Richard.  As the previews and commercials for this week stated, Richard is “the most mysterious man on the island”…  dun dun DUHHHHHH!  Ok, maybe they didn’t put that much emphasis on the music, but you get the point.  Well, I’m not sure Richard is the most mysterious man on the island, I think Jacob and Smokey both give him a run for his money there, but he sure as hell is mysterious.  Well, a little less so after tonight, as we got an episode that actually had a LOT of answers, and was really entertaining along the way.  As always, spoilers abound. Continue reading

Castle Review: “Tick, Tick, Tick…”

E: This week’s Castle begins with the happy news that Heat Wave has been optioned as a film.  The characters gleefully discuss who should play them. Ryan is all for James McAvoy (oooh, nice choice – slightly random, but excellent).  Esposito reaches for Oscar winner Javier Bardem. Laney wants Halle Berry.  But ah, Beckett.  She doesn’t want to play.  Castle’s happy to play for her.  Angelina Jolie?  “No, wait! Kate Beckett… Kate Beckinsale.  We’ll call you KBecks.”

And then Beckett’s phone rings.  “Nikki Heat? I want to report a murder,” the gloating voice says. “I did it.”

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Chuck Review: “Chuck Vs. the Final Exam”

C: In this episode, Chuck receives the ultimate “spy test” – and yes, they call it that.  If he completes his mission, the team breaks up, Shaw and Walker to D.C. to head an anti-Ring initiative and Chuck to Rome to pose as a billionaire industrialist.  According to Sarah, this is “what Chuck always wanted.”  I don’t remember his life goals ever taking quite this form, but whatever.  The point is: it’s do-or-die time.  Or in this case, d0-and-cause-death time. Continue reading