Our Own Unique Flavor: So You Think You Can Dance, Season 15, Auditions #4

E: Here it is.  The final set of auditions from New York City.  The final auditions from 2018.  Our last introductions to new dancers (and reintroductions to old!) before the Academy.  And, wow, the first confirmation that this is not an All Star season; we will in fact be getting 20 new dancers this year!  It’s a very good thing, because I’m already a fan of way more than 10 of these kids.

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We’re Having a Moment: So You Think You Can Dance, Season 15, Audition #3


E: Welcome to NYC!  It’s the Big Apple. It’s the home of Broadway. It’s the city that never sleeps.  It’s the city where we first saw Lex Ishimoto.  And it’s where we’ll spend the rest of our audition time before heading to the Academy.  (And, sorry – I’ve been having connectivity issues that prevented publication.)

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A Prime Example of Evolution: So You Think You Can Dance, Season 15, Los Angeles Auditions #2.

E:   This week’s episode starts with a recap of last week’s auditions, in which we review  Miss Astranga’s shablam, but also a heafy dose of dancers we haven’t seen yet.  Hey, there’s Evan the tapper from last year!  Oooh, I hope he does well.  I mean, I guess Gabi knew what she was doing in picking Lex, but last year you may remember I was rooting for Evan.   There’s also a girl with way more hair than clothes, who we see now and before several commercials. Also, we get Cat making me laugh by calling Vanessa Hudgens a megastar of stage and screen.  Ah, hyperbole.  It’s so much fun.

No, for real.  This episode is fun, even if some people are working perhaps a little too hard to remind us all how important it is.
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This is Me: So You Think You Can Dance Season 15, L.A. Auditions #1

E: Hi there!  It’s been a long time, hasn’t it – both for me as a blogger and for this show.  I’m absolutely thrilled the show is back, and I’m so looking forward to getting back in the swing of all things blog.  And while yes, I do miss the days when the show was on for several nights a week and for longer than an hour, I will absolutely take what I can get.

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