The Good Wife: Death of a Client

E: Shut the front door!  Did Alicia just give out her final rose?  Did she finally, finally, pick a side?  I am seriously astounded.  Did that really just happen, for good and for ever?

I can’t even believe it, after all this time.  Maybe because that episode was a lot more about her emotion for the guy who got discarded than the guy that she picked. Or maybe I’m just mistrustful of the writers?  Yeah, there’s no maybe about that, I am straight up mistrustful. Argh!  But the emotion of it all!  I’m not sure what I was expecting besides more of the actual gala, but what I got has left me walking around with my mouth hanging open.

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Castle Review: “The Wild Rover”

M: A big episode for Wonder Twin #2, aka Ryan, aka some other Irish name that I keep wanting to call Finnick Odair.

E: Oh, because it’s very similar, actually.

M: Exactly. Okay, it was Fenton O’Connell. No, I couldn’t remember that, and yes, I had to search about 15 web sites before finding even one that mentioned it. It was only a pivotal part of the episode, why the heck would other recappers mention that? Continue reading

The Good Wife: Invitation to an Inquest

E: The team turns in a solid episode in preparation for next week’s explosive Chicago Shamrock Dinner.  They couldn’t have come up with a more glamorous name for a white tie ball?  Guest stars abound, Robyn worms her way further into our good graces, Will and Alicia are awkward, two recurring players get the boot, and Cary has another mountaintop moment.

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Green Light! What’s Your Perfect Veronica Mars Movie?

C: Wednesday around 9:00 p.m., the Veronica Mars movie project passed its $2 million goal on Kickstarter – after less than 11 hours! That, folks, is fan love made mighty. And Rob Thomas, show creator, reacted: “Today has exceeded the wildest pipe dream I let myself entertain. Holy cow. We better make a good movie. These amazing fans have stepped up. We better deliver.” Between the humility of this response, and the frickin’ fantastic video they made to advertise the Kickstarter funding drive, my hopes are soaring.

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The Veronica Mars Movie: just a dream? Or just in need of a Kickstart?

C: For years they’ve talked about it. Every show that’s canceled before its time creates a buzz and a series of speculative articles in which the terms “movie” and “fan support” and “cast interest” get thrown around. The difference with Veronica Mars — the series whose first season is hands-down THE best season of television in my opinion, but which died an inglorious sputtering death, strangled nearly to death by its own network for a whole final season before being axed — is that the movie conversation keeps coming up.

M: To be fair, the killing of the show, while largely the CW’s fault, was a combined effort. Like many other highly successful shows, it lost its way in season three, as the writers ran out of really good ideas, recycled plots or parts of plots, and tried to introduce “fresh” new characters that didn’t work at all.

C: A lot of that had to do with budget cuts that limited even how many main actors they could use in a given episode.

M: Most importantly, Veronica Mars was no longer smarter than you. That said, like you I would completely trust them to make a great movie, and have hoped for it for years.

E: Yes, just shut up, because C is right — the first season of Veronica Mars was a triumph unrivaled anywhere on television — a perfectly realized vision from beginning to end.  It’s unmatched.  And surely the people responsible for those astounding 22 hours of television could craft a brilliant 2 hour movie.

C: They certainly crafted an amazing 5-minute sell… but I’m getting ahead of myself. Since the show went off the air in 2007, Kristen Bell, though she’s gone on to bigger if not better things, has still kept talking about wanting to do a movie. Rob Thomas, the showrunner, still kept talking about wanting to do it. They still met and talked about it every year or two, and every time they meet more articles come out to tantalize the longing, loving, unforgetting fans… but nothing happened. Until this morning.

M: Is this morning when you heard? I heard from you, so I have no clue when it actually started.

E: And I’m only catching up now, and so am just stunned!

C: It was around lunchtime, actually, when a friend on Facebook tagged me on this link. Go check it out NOW. Continue reading