Golden Boy – *UPDATED*

Hi all, M here. Just wanted to share a quick thought that I have shared with Mrs M many times over at this point. When it comes to CBS’s new Theo James-Chi McBride police procedural Golden Boy, I have one thing to say…

I CANNOT wait until it fails and is off the air. I don’t care if this make me a bad person, knowing people’s livelihood may be on the line. I don’t care that I literally have not watched one minute of the show, thus have no actual proof it is as horrible as I think it must be. CBS has been shoving this formulaic-looking piece of balderdash down my throat for weeks. At times commercials for it have been in EVERY commercial break for hour long shows, and I just can’t stand it. I want it to be gone, and will be giddy when it is.

*** UPDATE ***

As of last Friday, May 10, 2013, this show has been cancelled. WHEEEEEEEEEEE!

The Good Wife: What’s In The Box

E: All the interviews and reports promised it: in the season finale, Alicia will finally make her choice!  Our notoriously cagey heroine will pick a side, and lordy but it’s been a long time coming.  Fans everywhere rejoiced; even the most hardcore shippers have wilted, exhausted by the love triangle and desperate for the uncertainty to end.  Move us forward, Alicia!

And so she did, and it was more purely revolutionary than we could have imagined. I have to say, I am pretty damn stoked; I’ve been advocating for that course for months, but I never thought it would actually happen. We have an answer.  Shame on us, though, for asking the wrong question.

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May Movie Preview 2013

E: When did May becomes the best summer movie month?  Because the popcorn epics you long to see?  They’re in May. Those hot documentaries you want to see to impress your hipster friends?  They’re all in May.  The sequels?  May.  May May May May May.

M: Well, given that Star Wars opened in May in 1977, I think it’s been a while.

E: Yes, but it’s not just one movie.  It’s at least one every weekend, for five weekends in a row.  It’s awesome.

M: As for the “hot documentaries,” as you well know I have little interest in seeing anything to impress any hipsters, friend or foe. I’ll see the documentary if it’s interesting to me.

C: Yeah, hot documentaries seems like a contradiction in terms. And there are some good movies coming in June too. But May is starting off with a bang!

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The Good Wife: A More Perfect Union

E:  All the important elements are here – great guest stars (Veronica and Owen, how we love you!), internal drama, a twisty case of the week, political maneuvering, and an onion-like episode title (layers!) – but there are some worrisome under-layers, too.  Major and minor characters make some pretty questionable decisions and cross a not-  insignificant number of lines.  (Curious which ones bother me?  They might not be the ones you think.) The ramp up to the season-ending gubernatorial election goes epic.

(Also, confess.  How many of you read the episode title and couldn’t helping singing this? Wouldn’t you love to know if the cast and crew had the same reaction?)

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