V-cap: John May

M: Over the last couple weeks V has definitely ratcheted up the action, and “John May” was no exception.  Quick alert, there will be spoilers…  like the fact that the title should have been John May Died.

E: I’m kind of furious over this.  Well, first of all, the way they started it, I thought we were seeing Georgie’s past, so I was a little confused going into it.  I can see the whole bit about the secret martyr, and the specter of a man Anna thinks she’s had killed, but holy crap, he’s really dead?  I HATE that!  I got all excited about Michael Trucco for nothing?  I don’t care that he’s going to show up on Castle.  Or that he was never my favorite Cylon.  I could spit!  O, for a handy target.  Where’s my cat got to again?

M: See, here’s my take on Trucco.  He’s on V this week.  He’s on Castle next week.  Both are ABC shows.  My guess is this is a try out to find a demographic that fits him, and they are going to develop a show for him.

E: Huh.  Interesting thought.  Networks do get all proprietary about people – look at Alex O’Loughlin and CBS!

M: That said, the character of John May being dead?  Big, huge, colossal mistake.

E: Yes.  Maddening and ridiculous.  Um, also, did they really just kill James’ girlfriend, let him in on the secret of the Vs and the identity and fate of his stepfather, and then LEAVE HIM?  Without ever mentioning it again????  Shouldn’t they have him in hiding, or starting their army, or something?  What the hell!!!!

M: Okay, here’s my complaint with that, and with the guy that Erika killed after he stabbed Father Jack.  Remember our favorite scene to make fun of in the original mini-series?  The scene where the resistance is talking about the video of Marc Singer ripping the human skin off a V’s face exposing the reptilian skin?  Where Marc Singer’s response to the insistence of how important that video was a deadpanned “I’m hip”?

E: And how could I forget the most unintentionally awesome line ever? Because I, I am so hip.

M: Yes, you are.  As I’m sure you knew, that was really rhetorical.  The point was that the most important an effective thing the resistance could do to turn people’s opinion of the V’s was to show them that they were really lizards.  Well, our little resistance has now had two chances to show the world that the V’s are reptiles, and that they are embedded within us…  and they haven’t even discussed it, let alone put a viral video out there.  Stupid.

E: You are totally on point here.  How easy would that be?  The writers must not want to expose that secret too early, because it would provoke a huge reaction in the public and up the ante of everything – but it’s the most natural thing for them to do.  Way more natural than the whole “John May lives” stuff.  There’s my problem with the pacing again – they can’t do some of the more obvious things because it’d advance the storyline too quickly.

M: They seem to be adamant to have our main four characters struggle to cobble something together very slowly.

E: Other big developments this week: Val finds out that Ryan isn’t who he says he is!  And, if she can read an ultrasound, that her baby has a tail!

M: Unfortunately for Ryan the giant, hidden in a secret compartment in the closet safe that he bought had a simple 5 digit reset code that the building super happened to have.

E: And Joshua mercy kills Georgie.  Kind of a waste, but also (and I feel slightly guilty about saying this) good riddance to a useless character.

M: I think that he was not gotten rid of, he was replaced.  Hobbes basically is Georgie, but a more badass Georgie.  (E: Ding ding ding ding!) I’m fine with this.  They were doing a crappy, inconsistent job of writing him, and he was not the fiery leader that he started out being in the pilot.  Hobbes seems like a better version of him to me.

E: Very true, but it seems unfair to punish the actor for what is essentially the writer’s mistake, I think.   Anyway, we have midiclorians again.  Who’s Tyler’s father?  No one knows!  Erica never cheated, but Ty-Ty doesn’t have Joe’s dna.  You know, on the one hand this is a nicely angsty reason for a divorce, and on the other,  it’s crap.

M: I’m holding out hope that they take this down a better road, but right now it feels like it’s just a plot device to drive Tyler to the Vs.

E: Yep.  So, Chad Decker knows he’s in bed with the devil, and he doesn’t care as long as he thinks he can manipulate Anna. Well, youch.  Talk about ambitious.  And, you know, missing the forest for the trees.

M: I thought that the scene where he tried to play hardball with Anna, and even leaned into her personal space to tell her off?  I thought she was going to turn the “My babies need sustenance” fangs on him.

E: Hee hee – me too! Anna lays a pond full of soldier eggs.  Expected, but it’s kind of creepy.  Better for a flat stomach than mammalian childbirth, that’s for sure.

M: I thought that was a very creepy-cool ending.

E: I think they rely on those too much – especially since these endings don’t tend to be quite as cool as I want them to be.

M: True enough.  They are trying to follow Lost‘s lead of ending episodes with a “wow” moment, but they have not mastered the art of it yet.  Overall I think they are doing a good job with the action parts of the plot, like the escape from the V floating spike-ball-thing at John May’s storage container, and I thought that the emotional scene where Tyler confronted Erica about Rat-boy not being his dad was really good.  (E: Ditto.) But this episode did not instill me with the kind of confidence that the previous few had.  I still like the 5th Column stuff and I like the “new” communicator device, even if I think that Joshua is being far to cavalier and should have been caught.

What I am leaning toward, though, is the need for a stronger, larger resistance, and for a power struggle within the V leadership.  In the original, the V leader Diana was constantly having to fight off threats to her power.  Even if she is continually winning, it would be good for the show Anna to have some form of other rivals.

What do you all think?

4 comments on “V-cap: John May

  1. Echo says:

    So John May died. Well, that just sucks!

    The series so far is disappointing and boring. I don’t care about any of the characters, especially Tyler.

    The original series was so good and, here we are, some twenty years later and we get this pile of crap??

  2. shasas says:

    could it be that Tyler’s dna was tampered with by early inbedded V’s? like Erika’s partner or someone.. that she was never unfaithful, but that they messed with her pregnancy and that is what it means when Anna’s daughter (forgetting name) told her “he is the one” ??? just curious

  3. C says:

    By the way, have we talked about the fact that yes, Michael Trucco IS in fact getting a new show? It’s discussed in this interview:


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